mirror of https://github.com/EddieIvan01/memexec synced 2024-07-26 20:55:21 +00:00
A library for loading and executing PE (Portable Executable) from memory without ever touching the disk
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2020-11-26 16:47:21 +08:00
example Update the code example 2020-11-26 16:47:21 +08:00
sample/dll Initial commit 2020-11-10 15:46:52 +08:00
src Update the code example 2020-11-26 16:47:21 +08:00
.gitignore Add an IAT hooking interface 2020-11-25 18:26:36 +08:00
Cargo.toml Add an IAT hooking interface 2020-11-25 18:26:36 +08:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2020-11-10 15:46:52 +08:00
README.md Update the code example 2020-11-26 16:47:21 +08:00


A library for loading and executing PE (Portable Executable) from memory without ever touching the disk


  • Applicable to EXE and DLL (except .NET assembly)
  • Cross-architecture, applicable to x86 and x86-64
  • Zero-dependency
  • Contains a simple, zero-copy PE parser submodule
  • Provides an IAT hooking interface


# Cargo.toml

memexec = "0.2"


Execute from memory

⚠The architecture of target program must be same as current process, otherwise an error will occur

use memexec;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;

/*                         EXE                             */
let mut buf = Vec::new();
    .read_to_end(&mut buf)

unsafe {
    // If you need to pass command line parameters,
    // try to modify PEB's command line buffer
    // Or use `memexec_exe_with_hooks` to hook related functions (see below)

/*                         DLL                             */
let mut buf = Vec::new();
    .read_to_end(&mut buf)

use memexec::peloader::def::DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH;
unsafe {
    // DLL's entry point is DllMain
    memexec_dll(&buf, 0 as _, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0 as _).unwrap();

IAT hooking

Add the hook feature in Cargo.toml

memexec = { version="0.2", features=[ "hook" ] }

Hook the __wgetmainargs function (see example/__wgetmainargs_hook.rs)

let mut buf = Vec::new();
    .read_to_end(&mut buf)

let mut hooks = HashMap::new();

unsafe {
        mem::transmute::<extern "win64" fn(_, _, _, _, _) -> _, _>(__wgetmainargs),
    memexec::memexec_exe_with_hooks(&buf, &hooks).unwrap();

The definition of __wgetmainargs (notice the calling convention on different archtectures):

// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/getmainargs-wgetmainargs?view=msvc-160
int __wgetmainargs (
   int *_Argc,
   wchar_t ***_Argv,
   wchar_t ***_Env,
   int _DoWildCard,
   _startupinfo * _StartInfo)
#[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_os = "windows"))]
extern "win64" fn __wgetmainargs(
    _Argc: *mut i32,
    _Argv: *mut *const *const u16,
    _Env: *const c_void,
    _DoWildCard: i32,
    _StartInfo: *const c_void,
) -> i32 {
    unsafe {
        *_Argc = 2;
        let a0: Vec<_> = "program_name\0"
            .map(|c| (c as u16).to_le())
        let a1: Vec<_> = "token::whoami\0"
            .map(|c| (c as u16).to_le())
        *_Argv = [a0.as_ptr(), a1.as_ptr()].as_ptr();

        // Avoid calling destructor


PE parser

PE parser could parse programs which have different architectures from current process

use memexec::peparser::PE;

// Zero copy
// Make sure that the lifetime of `buf` is longer than `pe`
let pe = PE::new(&buf);
println!("{:?}", pe);


  • Replace LoadLibrary with calling load_pe_into_mem recursively

  • Replace GetProcAddress with self-implemented LdrpSnapThunk, so as to support resolving proc address by IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME.Hint


The GPLv3 license