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2014-04-09 16:14:31 +02:00

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* This file is part of Codecrypt.
* Codecrypt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* Codecrypt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Codecrypt. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "algos_enc.h"
#include "mce_qd.h"
* keygen
template<int m, int T, int b, int d>
static int mceqd_create_keypair (sencode**pub, sencode**priv, prng&rng)
mce_qd::pubkey Pub;
mce_qd::privkey Priv;
if (mce_qd::generate (Pub, Priv, rng, m, T, b, d) )
return 1;
*pub = Pub.serialize();
*priv = Priv.serialize();
return 0;
* Padding. Ha-ha.
* This wouldn't be necessary, but the ciphertext length would then very easily
* leak information about plaintext length (= len(c) - len(McE block) ).
* Moreover we need to somehow convert bvector bits to actual bytes.
* First, the bvector is converted to vector of bytes so it's easy to work with
* it. Result is in the form
* bits [randombits] nrbits
* where
* bits = message bits
* randombits = randomness that pads the message bits to whole byte.
* nrbits = 1 byte with number of random bits applied
* Then we are padding stuff with a padding of length at most 255 blocks, from
* both sides:
* 1bytesize [randomrandom] messagemessage [randomrandomrandom] 1bytesize
* where
* message = "tail" of the message that has overflown to the last block
* random = random bytes
* 1bytesize = how many bytes do corresponding random data have.
* Note that:
* - the last block is _always present_
* (even if there are no message bytes in it, there still must be the zero
* 1byte number that is telling us.)
* - stuff in bytes is always thought about as big-endian
* 1bytesize is determined from message and message length in bits, as:
* size_start = h1(msg) + h2(|msg|)
* size_start = h3(msg) + h4(|msg|)
* where h1 to h4 are hash functions to [0..127]
#include <stdint.h>
#include "hash.h"
static void msg_pad_length (const std::vector<byte>& msg,
byte&start, byte&end,
uint64_t len = msg.size();
std::vector<byte> lenbytes;
lenbytes.resize (sizeof (uint64_t), 0);
for (uint i = 0; i < sizeof (uint64_t); ++i) {
lenbytes[i] = len & 0xff;
len >>= 8;
std::vector<byte> tmp;
tmp = pad_hash (lenbytes);
start = tmp[0] & 0x7f;
end = tmp[1] & 0x7f;
tmp = pad_hash (msg);
start += tmp[0] & 0x7f;
end += tmp[1] & 0x7f;
static void message_pad (const bvector&in, std::vector<byte>&out,
prng&rng, hash_func&pad_hash)
//make space for the bit stage
if (in.size() == 0) out.resize (1, 0);
else out.resize ( ( (in.size() - 1) >> 3) + 2, 0);
//copy message bits
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i)
if (in[i]) out[i >> 3] |= 1 << (i & 0x7);
//pad with random bits to whole byte
unsigned char rtmp = rng.random (256);
for (; i & 0x7; ++i)
if (rtmp >> (i & 0x7) )
out[i >> 3] |= 1 << (i & 0x7);
//append message overflow size
out[i >> 3] = in.size() & 0x7;
//byte stage
byte padsize_begin, padsize_end;
msg_pad_length (out, padsize_begin, padsize_end, pad_hash);
//padding at the beginning
out.insert (out.begin(), 1 + (uint) padsize_begin, 0);
out[0] = padsize_begin;
for (i = 1; i <= padsize_begin; ++i)
out[i] = rng.random (256);
//tail padding
uint out_end = out.size();
out.resize (out_end + padsize_end + 1, 0);
for (i = 0; i < padsize_end; ++i)
out[out_end + i] = rng.random (256);
out[out_end + padsize_end] = padsize_end;
static bool message_unpad (std::vector<byte> in, bvector&out,
//check byte padding sizes
if (!in.size() ) return false;
//get rid of the byte padding
uint padsize_begin, padsize_end;
padsize_begin = in[0];
padsize_end = in[in.size() - 1];
//check if it really fits
//(2 bytes padding + 1 byte min padded msg length)
if ( (uint) padsize_begin + (uint) padsize_end + 3 > in.size() )
return false;
//get rid of beginning padding
in.erase (in.begin(), in.begin() + 1 + (uint) padsize_begin);
uint in_end = in.size() - padsize_end - 1;
in.resize (in_end);
/* check if padding was really okay. Note that it is not necessary
* since the padded message is "already checked" for mangling by F-O
* padding. This is only a check that sender uses the same valid
* padding method as we do. */
byte check_begin, check_end;
msg_pad_length (in, check_begin, check_end, pad_hash);
if (padsize_begin != check_begin || padsize_end != check_end)
return false;
//get bit padding information (now it's the last byte)
uint bit_overflow = in[in_end - 1];
//there must not be more than one byte of overflown bits
if (bit_overflow >= 8) return false;
//check if there's byte with overflow bits
if (bit_overflow && (in_end < 2) ) return false;
//convert to bvector
uint msg_size = ( (in_end - (bit_overflow ? 2 : 1) ) << 3)
+ bit_overflow;
out.resize (msg_size);
for (uint i = 0; i < msg_size; ++i)
out[i] = 1 & (in[i >> 3] >> (i & 0x7) );
return true;
* Fujisaki-okamoto part
#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
* Generic F-O functions. Note that ranksize must be equal to
* floor(log(comb(ciphersize,errorcount))/log(2))
* otherwise it probably fails. miserably.
template < class pubkey_type,
int plainsize,
int ciphersize,
int errorcount,
class hash_type,
class pad_hash_type,
class scipher,
int ranksize >
static int fo_encrypt (const bvector&plain, bvector&cipher,
sencode* pubkey, prng&rng)
uint i;
//load the key
pubkey_type Pub;
if (!Pub.unserialize (pubkey) ) return 1;
//verify that key parameters match our scheme
if (Pub.plain_size() != plainsize) return 2;
if (Pub.cipher_size() != ciphersize) return 3;
if (Pub.error_count() != errorcount) return 4;
//create the unencrypted message part
std::vector<byte> M;
pad_hash_type phf;
message_pad (plain, M, rng, phf);
//create the symmetric key
std::vector<byte> K;
K.resize (plainsize >> 3);
for (i = 0; i < K.size(); ++i) K[i] = rng.random (256);
//create the base for error vector
std::vector<byte> H, M2;
M2 = M;
M2.insert (M2.end(), K.begin(), K.end() );
hash_type hf;
H = hf (M2);
//prepare the error vector
bvector ev_rank;
ev_rank.resize (ranksize);
for (i = 0; i < ranksize; ++i)
ev_rank[i] = 1 & (H[ (i >> 3) % H.size()] >> (i & 0x7) );
bvector ev;
ev_rank.colex_unrank (ev, ciphersize, errorcount);
//prepare plaintext
bvector mce_plain;
mce_plain.resize (plainsize);
for (i = 0; i < plainsize; ++i) mce_plain[i] = 1 & (K[i >> 3] >> (i & 0x7) );
//run McEliece
if (Pub.encrypt (mce_plain, cipher, ev) ) return 5;
//encrypt the message part
scipher sc;
sc.init ();
//whole key must be tossed in, so split if when necessary
sc.load_key_vector (K);
for (i = 0; i < M.size(); ++i) M[i] = M[i] ^ sc.gen();
//append the message part to the ciphertext
cipher.resize (ciphersize + (M.size() << 3) );
for (i = 0; i < (M.size() << 3); ++i)
cipher[ciphersize + i] = 1 & (M[i >> 3] >> (i & 0x7) );
return 0;
template < class privkey_type,
int plainsize,
int ciphersize,
int errorcount,
class hash_type,
class pad_hash_type,
class scipher,
int ranksize >
static int fo_decrypt (const bvector&cipher, bvector&plain,
sencode* privkey)
uint i;
//load the key
privkey_type Priv;
if (!Priv.unserialize (privkey) ) return 1;
if (Priv.prepare() ) return 100;
//verify that key parameters match the scheme
if (Priv.plain_size() != plainsize) return 2;
if (Priv.cipher_size() != ciphersize) return 3;
if (Priv.error_count() != errorcount) return 4;
//get the McE part
if (cipher.size() < ciphersize) return 5;
bvector mce_cipher, mce_plain, ev;
mce_cipher.insert (mce_cipher.end(),
cipher.begin() + ciphersize);
//get and check the message size for later
uint msize = cipher.size() - ciphersize;
if (msize & 0x7) return 6;
* There is an (easy) timing attack on McEliece variants' decryption
* that determines whether McEliece decoding failed or CCA2 padding
* verification failed and can be (pretty easily) used to recover all
* errors in the error vector. To make it a (whole lot) harder, we make
* sure that following computation runs the same in both cases, at
* least to practical extent.
* Note that this doesn't cover potential attack on underlying
* rootfinding algorithm (but that one is way harder to run correctly).
* bool failed is volatile because we need to force the compiler not to
* optimize out the loop that constructs the dummy error vector.
//decrypt the symmetric key
volatile bool failed = Priv.decrypt (mce_cipher, mce_plain, ev);
* if decoding failed, ev contains something weird. We need to make it
* to contain some dummy (but still valid) error vector that would work
* with CCA2 verification and fail later.
* ev now contains the broken error vector; let's fix it up to
* 11111(errorcount of 1s)111100000000000
for (i = 0; i < ev.size(); ++i)
ev[i] = failed ? (i < errorcount) : ev[i];
//convert stuff to byte vectors
std::vector<byte> K, M;
K.resize (plainsize >> 3, 0);
for (i = 0; i < plainsize; ++i)
if (mce_plain[i]) K[i >> 3] |= 1 << (i & 0x7);
M.resize (msize >> 3, 0);
for (i = 0; i < msize; ++i)
if (cipher[ciphersize + i]) M[i >> 3] |= 1 << (i & 0x7);
//prepare symmetric cipher
scipher sc;
sc.init ();
//stuff in the whole key
sc.load_key_vector (K);
//decrypt the message part
for (i = 0; i < M.size(); ++i) M[i] = M[i] ^ sc.gen();
//compute the hash of K+M
std::vector<byte>H, M2;
M2 = M;
M2.insert (M2.end(), K.begin(), K.end() );
hash_type hf;
H = hf (M2);
//colex rank the vector to hash (it is faster than unranking)
bvector ev_rank;
ev.colex_rank (ev_rank);
ev_rank.resize (ranksize, 0);
for (i = 0; i < ranksize; ++i)
if (ev_rank[i] != (1 & (H[ (i >> 3) % H.size()]
>> (i & 0x7) ) ) )
return 7;
//if the message seems okay, unpad and return it.
pad_hash_type phf;
if (!message_unpad (M, plain, phf) ) return 8;
return 0;
* Instances for actual keygen/encryption/descryption algorithms
#define mceqd_create_keypair_func(name,m,T,b,d) \
int algo_mceqd##name::create_keypair (sencode**pub, sencode**priv, prng&rng) \
{ \
return mceqd_create_keypair<m, T, b, d> (pub, priv, rng); \
mceqd_create_keypair_func (128, 16, 7, 32, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (192, 16, 8, 27, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (256, 16, 8, 32, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (128cha, 16, 7, 32, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (192cha, 16, 8, 27, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (256cha, 16, 8, 32, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (128xs, 16, 7, 32, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (192xs, 16, 8, 27, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (256xs, 16, 8, 32, 4)
#endif //HAVE_CRYPTOPP==1
mceqd_create_keypair_func (128cube, 16, 7, 32, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (192cube, 16, 8, 27, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (256cube, 16, 8, 32, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (128cubecha, 16, 7, 32, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (192cubecha, 16, 8, 27, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (256cubecha, 16, 8, 32, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (128cubexs, 16, 7, 32, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (192cubexs, 16, 8, 27, 4)
mceqd_create_keypair_func (256cubexs, 16, 8, 32, 4)
#include "arcfour.h"
#include "chacha.h"
#include "xsynd.h"
typedef arcfour<byte, 8, 4096> arcfour_fo_cipher;
#define mceqd_create_encdec_func(name,plainsize,ciphersize,errcount, hash_type,pad_hash_type,scipher,ranksize) \
int algo_mceqd##name::encrypt (const bvector&plain, bvector&cipher, \
sencode* pubkey, prng&rng) \
{ \
return fo_encrypt \
< mce_qd::pubkey, \
plainsize, ciphersize, errcount, \
hash_type, \
pad_hash_type, \
scipher, \
ranksize > \
(plain, cipher, pubkey, rng); \
} \
int algo_mceqd##name::decrypt (const bvector&cipher, bvector&plain, \
sencode* privkey) \
{ \
return fo_decrypt \
< mce_qd::privkey, \
plainsize, ciphersize, errcount, \
hash_type, \
pad_hash_type, \
scipher, \
ranksize > \
(cipher, plain, privkey); \
#include "sha_hash.h"
#include "rmd_hash.h"
mceqd_create_encdec_func (128, 2048, 4096, 128, sha256hash, rmd128hash, arcfour_fo_cipher, 816)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (192, 2816, 6912, 256, sha384hash, rmd128hash, arcfour_fo_cipher, 1574)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (256, 4096, 8192, 256, sha512hash, rmd128hash, arcfour_fo_cipher, 1638)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (128cha, 2048, 4096, 128, sha256hash, rmd128hash, chacha20, 816)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (192cha, 2816, 6912, 256, sha384hash, rmd128hash, chacha20, 1574)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (256cha, 4096, 8192, 256, sha512hash, rmd128hash, chacha20, 1638)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (128xs, 2048, 4096, 128, sha256hash, rmd128hash, xsynd, 816)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (192xs, 2816, 6912, 256, sha384hash, rmd128hash, xsynd, 1574)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (256xs, 4096, 8192, 256, sha512hash, rmd128hash, xsynd, 1638)
#endif //HAVE_CRYPTOPP==1
#include "cube_hash.h"
mceqd_create_encdec_func (128cube, 2048, 4096, 128, cube256hash, cube128hash, arcfour_fo_cipher, 816)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (192cube, 2816, 6912, 256, cube384hash, cube128hash, arcfour_fo_cipher, 1574)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (256cube, 4096, 8192, 256, cube512hash, cube128hash, arcfour_fo_cipher, 1638)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (128cubecha, 2048, 4096, 128, cube256hash, cube128hash, chacha20, 816)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (192cubecha, 2816, 6912, 256, cube384hash, cube128hash, chacha20, 1574)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (256cubecha, 4096, 8192, 256, cube512hash, cube128hash, chacha20, 1638)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (128cubexs, 2048, 4096, 128, cube256hash, cube128hash, xsynd, 816)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (192cubexs, 2816, 6912, 256, cube384hash, cube128hash, xsynd, 1574)
mceqd_create_encdec_func (256cubexs, 4096, 8192, 256, cube512hash, cube128hash, xsynd, 1638)