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# gomap
Map functions utilizing basic interfaces, assertions, and ptypes.
This code and [ptypes](https://github.com/prequist/ptypes) are both artistic bloat,
utilised for DX concepts and/or type-evading for operations.
## Usage
<details closed>
<summary>Basic Setup</summary>
import (
func Showcase() {
// gomap.Transformer
transformer := func(i interface{}) interface{} {
// type assert the interface and add 1.
return i.(int) + 1
// Create a new list
list := gomap.New(1, 2, 3, 4)
mappable := gomap.MappableList{list}
// The outcome.
outcome := mappable.Map(transformer)
// For predefined slices, we can use this flow:
slice := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
list = gomap.New(slice)
mappable = gomap.MappableList{list}
outcome := mappable.Map(transformer)
<details close>
import (
func Showcase() {
e := gomap.New("a", "b", "c", "ab", "d")
predicate := func(i interface{}) bool {
if str, ok := i.(string) {
return strings.Contains(str, "a")
return false
// Get the mappable list
mappable := e.Mappable()
// Apply the predicate, return the filtered list as a variable
mappable = e.Filter(predicate) // "a", "ab"
<details closed>
import (
func MakeBoxedAndConvert() []int {
e := gomap.NewBoxed(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
mappable := e.Mappable()
mappable.Map(func(v interface{}) interface{} {
ib := v.(ptypes.Box).IntBox()
return ptypes.FromInt(*ib.Int() + 2)
arr := make([]int, len(e.Items()))
for index, vi := range e.Items() {
arr[index] = *vi.(ptypes.Box).IntBox().Int()
return arr
<details closed>
<summary>Using <code>interface{}</code>s</summary>
import (
func MakeAndConvert() []int {
e := gomap.New(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
mappable := e.Mappable()
mappable.Map(func(v interface{}) interface{} {
return v.(int) + 1
arr := make([]int, len(e.Items()))
for index, vi := range e.Items() {
arr[index] = vi.(int)
return arr
## Benchmarks
These are probably a bit bloat over time, however, they're not horrendous (compared to other)
On Mac OSX (Monterey, M1)
### map_test.go
goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: github.com/prequist/gomap
BenchmarkPlain-8 12474228 100.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBox-8 759380 1523 ns/op
BenchmarkString-8 4029303 277.8 ns/op
BenchmarkBoxedString-8 782708 1501 ns/op
BenchmarkAdd-8 17820822 94.33 ns/op
### iterator_test.go
BenchmarkIteratorNext-8 1000000000 0.5661 ns/op
### filter_test.go
BenchmarkFilter/Filter-8 1000000000 0.0000009 ns/op