update 2023-11-12

This commit is contained in:
autoascii 2023-11-12 00:01:07 +00:00
parent 5360a58df3
commit fb6d7f980e
8 changed files with 119 additions and 2 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
                                                    / ̄ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                                          / __/ __  ____ /  ____ /
                                        / ___ ___ /  /    
                                      / / /     / /  ____/ / /      
                                    /_/      / / /       / / /      
                                          /_/       /     
                                      /        _/      
                                      / _____/     
                             _ /_____/ ______/ _  
                             ____________/ ̄         /
8u think coffee is a form of jujitsu?                       
My latest masterpiece, 'u think coffee is a form of jujitsu?', tackles the concept of subjective perception and the power of the mind. Through visually stimulating elements and thought-provoking symbolism, the piece challenges the conventional notion of what constitutes as a martial art, inviting the viewer to question their own beliefs and assumptions. It is a representation of the complexity and fluidity of human thought and invites the masses to engage in a deeper introspection of their reality.

@ -453,6 +453,7 @@
<a href="cock-slapper-katy-.txt">cock-slapper-katy-.txt</a> 20-Jun-2023 18:36 4443
<a href="coffee-dungeon-adventure-1.txt">coffee-dungeon-adventure-1.txt</a> 28-Oct-2023 05:36 4134
<a href="coffee-dungeon-adventure.txt">coffee-dungeon-adventure.txt</a> 28-Oct-2023 05:35 2737
<a href="coffee-jujitsu-thoughts.txt">coffee-jujitsu-thoughts.txt</a> 11-Nov-2023 00:49 3234
<a href="coffee-on-desk.txt">coffee-on-desk.txt</a> 26-Sep-2023 09:22 2948
<a href="cold-ice-shine.txt">cold-ice-shine.txt</a> 24-Sep-2023 16:06 2015
<a href="colorful-abstract-shapes.txt">colorful-abstract-shapes.txt</a> 07-Nov-2023 08:52 3461
@ -1160,6 +1161,7 @@
<a href="linux-in-africa.txt">linux-in-africa.txt</a> 16-Feb-2023 11:38 1967
<a href="linux-report-ascii.txt">linux-report-ascii.txt</a> 26-Sep-2023 06:56 3960
<a href="lisa-lion-art.txt">lisa-lion-art.txt</a> 18-Jul-2023 17:43 3999
<a href="little-vs-goliath.txt">little-vs-goliath.txt</a> 11-Nov-2023 20:10 2532
<a href="live--laugh--chat.txt">live--laugh--chat.txt</a> 09-Sep-2023 21:42 3185
<a href="live--love--chat.txt">live--love--chat.txt</a> 09-Sep-2023 21:42 1779
<a href="local-massage-parlor-refuses-to-give-full-rectum-massage.txt">local-massage-parlor-refuses-to-give-full-rectu..&gt;</a> 19-Aug-2023 11:42 1940
@ -1221,6 +1223,7 @@
<a href="mama-s-come-back.txt">mama-s-come-back.txt</a> 06-Jun-2023 16:55 2945
<a href="mama-s-crack-milk.txt">mama-s-crack-milk.txt</a> 06-Jun-2023 22:58 1659
<a href="mama-s-cumcrotch-rides-.txt">mama-s-cumcrotch-rides-.txt</a> 06-Jun-2023 16:54 970
<a href="mama-s-fishy-fantasy.txt">mama-s-fishy-fantasy.txt</a> 11-Nov-2023 19:50 2871
<a href="mama-s-gobbling-cocks.txt">mama-s-gobbling-cocks.txt</a> 05-Aug-2023 14:03 2214
<a href="mama-s-hard-ride.txt">mama-s-hard-ride.txt</a> 21-Jun-2023 11:58 1196
<a href="mama-s-legs-ride.txt">mama-s-legs-ride.txt</a> 06-Jun-2023 16:53 472
@ -1877,6 +1880,7 @@
<a href="wishful-dick-bag.txt">wishful-dick-bag.txt</a> 10-Oct-2023 19:03 4356
<a href="woke-knives.txt">woke-knives.txt</a> 19-Jun-2023 02:37 1233
<a href="woodchuck-hurls-cum.txt">woodchuck-hurls-cum.txt</a> 17-Apr-2023 23:35 8619
<a href="wormwood-s-underground-trade.txt">wormwood-s-underground-trade.txt</a> 11-Nov-2023 00:03 3892
<a href="worst-cashews-ever.txt">worst-cashews-ever.txt</a> 09-Jul-2023 06:27 1600
<a href="y2k-ascii-art.txt">y2k-ascii-art.txt</a> 24-Sep-2023 15:44 1664
<a href="yellow-fuck-my-ass.txt">yellow-fuck-my-ass.txt</a> 24-Jun-2023 00:41 1299

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

"Shrew and the Giant Jew" is a bold and thought-provoking exploration of power dynamics and societal norms through the quirky pairing of two seemingly disparate characters. This visually striking piece challenges our perceptions of prejudice and identity, encapsulated in the dynamic between a tiny shrew and a towering giant jew. It forces us to confront uncomfortable truths and invites us to question our ingrained biases in a captivating and unconventional manner.

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
4 __ 6 __ 10 ___________ 9 __
4 / / 6 / / 10 / __ __ \ 9 / /
4 / / 6 / / 10 / / / / / / /\ 9/ /____ __
4 /_/ 6/_/ 10 / / / / / / / / 9/ __ \/ /\ \\
4 \ \ 6\ \ 10 / / / / / / / / 9/ / / / / /\ \
4 \ \ 6 \ \ 10 / / / / / / / / 9 \ \/ / / / \
4 \ \ 6 \ \ 10 \/ / / / / / / 9\/ / / / /
4 \ \ 6 \ \10 \/ / / / / / 9\/_/ / /
4 \ \ 6 \ \10 \/ / / / 9\/ / /
4 \ \ 6 \ \10 \/ / 9\/ /
4 \ \ 6 \ \10 \/ 9\/
4 \ \6 \ \10 9
4 \ \6 \ \10 2___________ 9 __
4 \ \6 \ \10 2\__ ___/ 9 / /
4 \ \6 \ \10 2 / \ / 9/ /
4 \ \6 \ \10 2 / /\ \ 9/ /____ __
4 \ \6 \ \10 2 \/ \/ 9/ __ \/ /\ \\
4 \ \6 \ \10 9 / / / / /\ \
4 \ \6 \ \10 9 \ \/ / / / \
4 \ \6 \ \10 9 \ \/ / / /
4 \ \6 \ \10 9 \ \/ / /
4 \ \6 \ \10 9 \ \/ /
4 \ \6 \ \10 9 \ \/
4 \ \6 \ \10 9 _______\/
4 \ \6 \ \10 9 / _______/
4 \ \6 \ \10 9 / /
4 \ \6 \ \10 9 / /
4 \ \6 \ \10 9 \/
My new piece, 'mother scrotum and the dildo salmon', is a bold and provocative commentary on the perceived roles of traditional femininity and masculinity in our culture. The scrotum, typically associated with male anatomy and virility, is subverted by the presence of a maternal figure, challenging traditional notions of gender and motherhood. The use of a salmon, an iconic symbol of fertility and life-giving in many cultures, imbues the piece with a primal and sexual energy, further complicating the themes of gender and power. Through this juxtaposition of seemingly incongruous elements, I aim to challenge the viewer to confront and question their preconceived notions about gender and societal norms.

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
01 ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
02 ┃ My street drug dealer name is wormwood ┃
03 ┠───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┨
04 ┃ 0 ─┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┬────────────────────┤
05 ┃ 2M 0╽ 2y 0╽ 2 0╽ 2s 0╽ 2t 0╽ 2r 0╽ 2e 0╽ 2e 0╽ 2t 0╽ 2 0╽ 2d 0╽ 2r 0╽ 2u 0╽ 2g 0╽ 2 0╽ 2d 0╽ 2e 0╽ 2a 0╽ 2l 0╽ 2e 0╽ 2r 0╽ 2 0╽ 2n 0╽ 2a 0╽ 2m 0╽ 2e 0╽ 2 0╽ 2i 0╽ 2s 0╽ 2 0╽ 2w 0╽ 2o 0╽ 2r 0╽ 2m 0╽ 2w 0╽ 2o 0╽ 2o 0╽ 2d 0╽ 0;2m├────────────────────┤
06 ┠───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤
07 ┃ 0╽ 3M 0╽ 3y 0╽ 3 0╽ 3s 0╽ 3t 0╽ 3r 0╽ 3e 0╽ 3e 0╽ 3t 0╽ 3 0╽ 3d 0╽ 3e 0╽ 3a 0╽ 3l 0╽ 3e 0╽ 3r 0╽ 3 0╽ 3n 0╽ 3a 0╽ 3m 0╽ 3e 0╽ 3 0╽ 3i 0╽ 3s 0╽ 3 0╽ 3w 0╽ 3o 0╽ 3r 0╽ 3m 0╽ 3w 0╽ 3o 0╽ 3o 0╽ 3d 0╽ 3 0╽ 0;2m├────────────────────┤
08 ┠───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┨
09 ┃ 0 2║ 0║
10 ┃ 0 2║ 0║
11 ┃ 0 2║ 0║
12 ┠────────┴─────────┬──────────┬────────┤
13 ┃ 0 2║ 0║ 0;2m┬───────────────┤
14 ┃ 0 2║ 0║ 2W 0║ 2o 0║ 0;2m│
15 ┃ 0 2║ 0║ 2o 0║ 2r 0║ 2m 0;2m├───────────────┤
16 ┃ 0 2║ 0║ 2o 0║ 2o 0║ 2w 0;2m│
17 ┃ 2W 0║ 2o 0║ 2r 0║ 2m 0;2m│ 2w 0║ 2o 0║ 2o 0║ 2d 0;2m│
18 ┃ 2o 0║ 2w 0║ 2o 0║ 2d 0;2m│ 2r 0║ 2m 0║ 2w 0║ 2o 0;2m│
19 ┃ 2o 0║ 2d 0║ 2r 0║ 2w 0;2m│ 2o 0║ 2w 0║ 2o 0║ 2d 0;2m│
20 ┃ 2d 0║ 2e 0║ 2a 0║ 2l 0;2m│ 2r 0║ 2m 0║ 2w 0║ 2o 0;2m│
21 ┃ 2r 0║ 2e 0║ 2e 0║ 2t 0;2m│ 2w 0║ 2o 0║ 2o 0║ 2d 0;2m│
22 ┃ 2w 0║ 2o 0║ 2r 0║ 2m 0;2m│ 2o 0║ 2w 0║ 2o 0║ 2d 0;2m│
23 ┃ 2o 0║ 2w 0║ 2o 0║ 2d 0;2m│ 2r 0║ 2m 0║ 2w 0║ 2o 0;2m│
24 ┃ 2o 0║ 2d 0║ 2r 0║ 2w 0;2m│ 2w 0║ 2o 0║ 2o 0║ 2d 0;2m│
25 ┃ 2d 0║ 2e 0║ 2a 0║ 2l 0;2m│ 2r 0║ 2m 0║ 2w 0║ 2o 0;2m│
26 ┃ 2r 0║ 2e 0║ 2e 0║ 2t 0;2m│ 
"My latest masterpiece, 'My Street Drug Dealer Name is Wormwood,' is a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of societal issues surrounding the illegal drug trade. By utilizing the moniker 'wormwood' as a symbol for the corrupt and destructive nature of the industry, I challenge viewers to critically examine the consequences of their actions and the systemic flaws that perpetuate this dangerous cycle. Through both visual and conceptual elements, I aim to elevate the discourse surrounding drug culture and inspire meaningful introspection in the audience."

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
<a href="adct1/">adct1/</a> 30-Oct-2021 19:37 -
<a href="adctwork/">adctwork/</a> 20-Sep-2021 18:35 -
<a href="again/">again/</a> 28-May-2023 22:05 -
<a href="aibird/">aibird/</a> 10-Nov-2023 19:59 -
<a href="aibird/">aibird/</a> 11-Nov-2023 20:10 -
<a href="aimilf/">aimilf/</a> 30-Apr-2023 12:07 -
<a href="alkyhole/">alkyhole/</a> 03-Jan-2022 05:53 -
<a href="anon/">anon/</a> 01-Mar-2023 01:45 -
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
<a href="sandShrew/">sandShrew/</a> 10-Oct-2023 03:33 -
<a href="sansAgain/">sansAgain/</a> 05-Nov-2021 00:24 -
<a href="sansBird/">sansBird/</a> 09-Feb-2022 19:32 -
<a href="sansGato/">sansGato/</a> 05-Nov-2023 08:36 -
<a href="sansGato/">sansGato/</a> 11-Nov-2023 01:15 -
<a href="sansGato98/">sansGato98/</a> 04-May-2023 03:09 -
<a href="sansGato_/">sansGato_/</a> 04-Sep-2023 07:56 -
<a href="sansGatowl/">sansGatowl/</a> 03-May-2022 21:18 -

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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