2022-05-22 18:34:15 -07:00

232 lines
5.4 KiB

package proxygonanza
import (
func (api *APIClient) debugPrintf(format string, obj ...interface{}) {
if api.Debug {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(format, obj...))
// NewAPIClient instantiates a API client with the given key using golang's default http client.
func NewAPIClient(key string) *APIClient {
return &APIClient{
Key: key,
KnownPackages: make(map[int]PackageDetails),
c: http.DefaultClient,
// NewCustomClient insantiates a proxybonanza API client with the given key and the given http.Client.
func NewCustomClient(key string, client *http.Client) *APIClient {
return &APIClient{
Key: key,
KnownPackages: make(map[int]PackageDetails),
c: client,
// GetAllSOCKSIPsAndPorts will return a slice of IP:Port formatted proxy strings
func (api *APIClient) GetAllSOCKSIPsAndPorts() ([]string, error) {
packs, err := api.GetProxyPackages()
if err != nil {
return []string{}, err
var results []string
for _, pack := range packs {
packsocks, err := api.GetPackageSOCKS(pack.ID)
if err != nil {
return results, err
results = append(results, packsocks...)
return results, nil
// fun fact, this wasn't in their api docs.
// GetPackageSOCKS returns a specified packages SOCKS5 proxies in host:port format.
func (api *APIClient) GetPackageSOCKS(packageid int) ([]string, error) {
body, err := api.getReq("userpackages_ippacks.csv?_delimiter=%3A&userpackage_id=" + strconv.Itoa(packageid) + "&_csvNoHeader=0&_csvFields=ip%2Cport_socks")
if err != nil {
return []string{}, err
var results []string
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(body))
for i := 0; scanner.Scan(); i++ {
if i == 0 {
results = append(results, scanner.Text())
return results, nil
// GetProxyPackages gets current proxy packages from your account.
func (api *APIClient) GetProxyPackages() ([]UserPackage, error) {
body, err := api.getReq(packages)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var packs PackageResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &packs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !packs.Success {
return nil, errors.New("ERROR: " + string(body))
for _, p := range packs.PackageData {
api.KnownPackages[p.ID] = p.Package
return packs.PackageData, nil
// GetAuthIPs gets all authentication IPs active on your account.
func (api *APIClient) GetAuthIPs() ([]AuthIP, error) {
body, err := api.getReq(authips)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var auths AuthIPResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &auths)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !auths.Success {
return nil, errors.New("ERROR: " + string(body))
return auths.AuthIPData, nil
// DeleteAllAuthIPs deletes all authenticaiton IPs from your account.
func (api *APIClient) DeleteAllAuthIPs() (int, error) {
aips, err := api.GetAuthIPs()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
todo := len(aips)
done := 0
for _, aip := range aips {
target := int(aip.ID.(float64))
fmt.Println("deleting ", target)
if api.DeleteAuthIPByID(target) {
if done < todo {
err = errors.New("failed to delete some IPs")
return done, err
// AddAuthIP adds a new IP to the corresponding/provided proxy package ID.
func (api *APIClient) AddAuthIP(ip net.IP, packageID int) (AddAuthIPResponse, error) {
failadd := AddAuthIPResponse{Success: false}
if ip.IsPrivate() || ip.IsUnspecified() || ip.IsLoopback() {
return failadd, errors.New("ip is private: " + ip.String())
post := map[string]string{
"ip": ip.String(),
"userpackage_id": strconv.Itoa(packageID),
body, err := api.postReq(authips, post)
if err != nil {
return failadd, err
var addipres AddAuthIPResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &addipres)
if err != nil {
return failadd, err
if !addipres.Success {
return failadd, errors.New("ERROR: " + addipres.Message)
return addipres, nil
// DeleteAuthIPByIP will iterate through all the authips on your account and delete one that matches the given IP.
func (api *APIClient) DeleteAuthIPByIP(ipa net.IP) (err error) {
if ipa.IsPrivate() || ipa.IsUnspecified() || ipa.IsLoopback() {
return errors.New("IP is invalid")
aips, err := api.GetAuthIPs()
for _, aip := range aips {
if net.ParseIP(aip.IP).Equal(ipa) {
target := int(aip.ID.(float64))
if api.DeleteAuthIPByID(target) {
return nil
return errors.New("IP doesn't exist")
// AddCurrentIPtoAllPackages adds your current WAN IP to all packages on your account.
// It returns the amount of successful packages that it was applied to.
func (api *APIClient) AddCurrentIPtoAllPackages() (success int) {
packs, err := api.GetProxyPackages()
if err != nil {
myip := getMyIP()
for _, p := range packs {
_, err := api.AddAuthIP(myip, p.ID)
if err == nil {
// DeleteAuthIPByID deletes an authentication IP with the matching ID provided
func (api *APIClient) DeleteAuthIPByID(ipID int) (ok bool) {
body, err := api.deleteReq("authips/" + strconv.Itoa(ipID) + ".json")
if err != nil {
var delipres DelAuthIPResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &delipres)
if err != nil {
if delipres.Success {
ok = true