refractor conn.go

This commit is contained in:
Liam Stanley 2017-02-21 06:14:55 -05:00
parent cdac81184a
commit 18112a7d63


@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ import (
@ -28,9 +26,8 @@ var endline = []byte("\r\n")
// ircConn represents an IRC network protocol connection, it consists of an
// Encoder and Decoder to manage i/o.
type ircConn struct {
lconn net.Conn
io *bufio.ReadWriter
sock net.Conn
// lastWrite is used ot keep track of when we last wrote to the server.
lastWrite time.Time
@ -108,106 +105,43 @@ func newConn(conf Config, addr string) (*ircConn, error) {
if conf.SSL {
var sslConf *tls.Config
if conf.TLSConfig == nil {
sslConf = &tls.Config{ServerName: conf.Server}
} else {
sslConf = conf.TLSConfig
var tlsConn net.Conn
tlsConn, err = tlsHandshake(conn, conf.TLSConfig, conf.Server, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tlsConn := tls.Client(conn, sslConf)
if err = tlsConn.Handshake(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed handshake during tls conn to %q: %s", addr, err)
conn = tlsConn
ctime := time.Now()
return &ircConn{
ircEncoder: ircEncoder{writer: conn},
ircDecoder: ircDecoder{reader: bufio.NewReader(conn)},
lconn: conn,
connTime: &ctime,
connected: true,
}, nil
c := &ircConn{
sock: conn,
connTime: &ctime,
connected: true,
return c, nil
// Close closes the underlying ReadWriteCloser.
func (c *ircConn) newReadWriter() { = bufio.NewReadWriter(bufio.NewReader(c.sock), bufio.NewWriter(c.sock))
func tlsHandshake(conn net.Conn, conf *tls.Config, server string, validate bool) (net.Conn, error) {
if conf == nil {
conf = &tls.Config{ServerName: server, InsecureSkipVerify: !validate}
tlsConn := tls.Client(conn, conf)
return net.Conn(tlsConn), nil
// Close closes the underlying socket.
func (c *ircConn) Close() error {
return c.lconn.Close()
// setTimeout applies a deadline that the connection must respond back with,
// within the specified time.
func (c *ircConn) setTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
// rate allows limiting events based on how frequent the event is being sent,
// as well as how many characters each event has.
func (c *ircConn) rate(chars int) time.Duration {
_time := time.Second + ((time.Duration(chars) * time.Second) / 100)
if c.writeDelay += _time - time.Now().Sub(c.lastWrite); c.writeDelay < 0 {
c.writeDelay = 0
if c.writeDelay > (8 * time.Second) {
return _time
return 0
// ircDecoder reads Event objects from an input stream.
type ircDecoder struct {
reader *bufio.Reader
line string
mu sync.Mutex
// Decode attempts to read a single Event from the stream, returns non-nil
// error if read failed. event may be nil if unparseable.
func (dec *ircDecoder) Decode() (event *Event, err error) {
dec.line, err = dec.reader.ReadString(delim)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ParseEvent(dec.line), nil
// ircEncoder writes Event objects to an output stream.
type ircEncoder struct {
writer io.Writer
mu sync.Mutex
// Encode writes the IRC encoding of m to the stream. Goroutine safe.
// returns non-nil error if the write to the underlying stream stopped early.
func (enc *ircEncoder) Encode(e *Event) (err error) {
_, err = enc.Write(e.Bytes())
// Write writes len(p) bytes from p followed by CR+LF. Goroutine safe.
func (enc *ircEncoder) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = enc.writer.Write(p)
if err != nil {
_, err = enc.writer.Write(endline)
return c.sock.Close()
// Connect attempts to connect to the given IRC server
@ -341,6 +275,7 @@ func (c *Client) disconnectHandler(err error) {
// IRC server. If there is an error, it calls Reconnect.
func (c *Client) readLoop(ctx context.Context) {
var event *Event
var line string
var err error
for {
@ -348,8 +283,8 @@ func (c *Client) readLoop(ctx context.Context) {
case <-ctx.Done():
c.conn.setTimeout(300 * time.Second)
event, err = c.conn.Decode()
c.conn.sock.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(300 * time.Second))
line, err =
if err != nil {
// Attempt a reconnect (if applicable). If it fails, send
// the error to c.Config.HandleError to be dealt with, if
@ -359,6 +294,7 @@ func (c *Client) readLoop(ctx context.Context) {
event = ParseEvent(line)
if event == nil {
@ -384,7 +320,24 @@ func (c *Client) write(event *Event) {
c.tx <- event
// rate allows limiting events based on how frequent the event is being sent,
// as well as how many characters each event has.
func (c *ircConn) rate(chars int) time.Duration {
_time := time.Second + ((time.Duration(chars) * time.Second) / 100)
if c.writeDelay += _time - time.Now().Sub(c.lastWrite); c.writeDelay < 0 {
c.writeDelay = 0
if c.writeDelay > (8 * time.Second) {
return _time
return 0
func (c *Client) sendLoop(ctx context.Context) {
var err error
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
@ -402,7 +355,17 @@ func (c *Client) sendLoop(ctx context.Context) {
c.conn.lastWrite = time.Now()
err := c.conn.Encode(event)
// Write the raw line.
_, err =
if err == nil {
// And the \r\n.
_, err =
if err == nil {
// Lastly, flush everything to the socket.
err =
if err != nil {