add Ban, Unban and Mode to Commands

This commit is contained in:
Liam Stanley 2017-11-30 14:37:24 -05:00
parent e8273d405d
commit f1d316076b

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@ -272,6 +272,27 @@ func (cmd *Commands) Kick(channel, user, reason string) {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: KICK, Params: []string{channel, user}})
// Ban adds the +b mode on the given mask on a channel.
func (cmd *Commands) Ban(channel, mask string) {
cmd.Mode(channel, "+b", mask)
// Unban removes the +b mode on the given mask on a channel.
func (cmd *Commands) Unban(channel, mask string) {
cmd.Mode(channel, "-b", mask)
// Mode sends a mode change to the server which should be applied to target
// (usually a channel or user), along with a set of modes (generally "+m",
// "+mmmm", or "-m", where "m" is the mode you want to change). Params is only
// needed if the mode change requires a parameter (ban or invite-only exclude.)
func (cmd *Commands) Mode(target, modes string, params ...string) {
out := []string{target, modes}
out = append(out, params...)
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: MODE, Params: out})
// Invite sends a INVITE query to the server, to invite nick to channel.
func (cmd *Commands) Invite(channel string, users ...string) {
for i := 0; i < len(users); i++ {