nmeum 288d953b28
event: Use different source format for PRIVMSG and NOTICE (#44)
This allows distinguishing the two commands in the output of the
Pretty() function. This is useful for IRC client which use the output of
the Pretty() function for formating IRC messages.
2020-12-29 19:19:53 -05:00

643 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) Liam Stanley <>. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
package girc
import (
const (
eventSpace byte = ' ' // Separator.
maxLength = 510 // Maximum length is 510 (2 for line endings).
// cutCRFunc is used to trim CR characters from prefixes/messages.
func cutCRFunc(r rune) bool {
return r == '\r' || r == '\n'
// ParseEvent takes a string and attempts to create a Event struct. Returns
// nil if the Event is invalid.
func ParseEvent(raw string) (e *Event) {
// Ignore empty events.
if raw = strings.TrimFunc(raw, cutCRFunc); len(raw) < 2 {
return nil
var i, j int
e = &Event{Timestamp: time.Now()}
if raw[0] == prefixTag {
// Tags end with a space.
i = strings.IndexByte(raw, eventSpace)
if i < 2 {
return nil
e.Tags = ParseTags(raw[1:i])
if rawServerTime, ok := e.Tags.Get("time"); ok {
// Attempt to parse server-time. If we can't parse it, we just
// fall back to the time we received the message (locally.)
if stime, err := time.Parse(capServerTimeFormat, rawServerTime); err == nil {
e.Timestamp = stime.Local()
raw = raw[i+1:]
i = 0
if raw[0] == messagePrefix {
// Prefix ends with a space.
i = strings.IndexByte(raw, eventSpace)
// Prefix string must not be empty if the indicator is present.
if i < 2 {
return nil
e.Source = ParseSource(raw[1:i])
// Skip space at the end of the prefix.
// Find end of command.
j = i + strings.IndexByte(raw[i:], eventSpace)
if j < i {
// If there are no proceeding spaces, it's the only thing specified.
e.Command = strings.ToUpper(raw[i:])
return e
e.Command = strings.ToUpper(raw[i:j])
// Skip the space after the command.
// Check if and where the trailing text is within the incoming line.
var lastIndex, trailerIndex int
for {
// We must loop through, as it's possible that the first message
// prefix is not actually what we want. (e.g, colons are commonly
// used within ISUPPORT to delegate things like CHANLIMIT or TARGMAX.)
lastIndex = trailerIndex
trailerIndex = strings.IndexByte(raw[j+lastIndex:], messagePrefix)
if trailerIndex == -1 {
// No trailing argument found, assume the rest is just params.
e.Params = strings.Fields(raw[j:])
return e
// This means we found a prefix that was proceeded by a space, and
// it's good to assume this is the start of trailing text to the line.
if raw[j+lastIndex+trailerIndex-1] == eventSpace {
i = lastIndex + trailerIndex
// Keep looping through until we either can't find any more prefixes,
// or we find the one we want.
trailerIndex += lastIndex + 1
// Set i to that of the substring we were using before, and where the
// trailing prefix is.
i = j + i
// Check if we need to parse arguments. If so, take everything after the
// command, and right before the trailing prefix, and cut it up.
if i > j {
e.Params = strings.Fields(raw[j : i-1])
e.Params = append(e.Params, raw[i+1:])
return e
// Event represents an IRC protocol message, see RFC1459 section 2.3.1
// <message> :: [':' <prefix> <SPACE>] <command> <params> <crlf>
// <prefix> :: <servername> | <nick> ['!' <user>] ['@' <host>]
// <command> :: <letter>{<letter>} | <number> <number> <number>
// <SPACE> :: ' '{' '}
// <params> :: <SPACE> [':' <trailing> | <middle> <params>]
// <middle> :: <Any *non-empty* sequence of octets not including SPACE or NUL
// or CR or LF, the first of which may not be ':'>
// <trailing> :: <Any, possibly empty, sequence of octets not including NUL or
// CR or LF>
// <crlf> :: CR LF
type Event struct {
// Source is the origin of the event.
Source *Source `json:"source"`
// Tags are the IRCv3 style message tags for the given event. Only use
// if network supported.
Tags Tags `json:"tags"`
// Timestamp is the time the event was received. This could optionally be
// used for client-stored sent messages too. If the server supports the
// "server-time" capability, this is synced to the UTC time that the server
// specifies.
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
// Command that represents the event, e.g. JOIN, PRIVMSG, KILL.
Command string `json:"command"`
// Params (parameters/args) to the command. Commonly nickname, channel, etc.
// The last item in the slice could potentially contain spaces (commonly
// referred to as the "trailing" parameter).
Params []string `json:"params"`
// Sensitive should be true if the message is sensitive (e.g. and should
// not be logged/shown in debugging output).
Sensitive bool `json:"sensitive"`
// If the event is an echo-message response.
Echo bool `json:"echo"`
// Last returns the last parameter in Event.Params if it exists.
func (e *Event) Last() string {
if len(e.Params) >= 1 {
return e.Params[len(e.Params)-1]
return ""
// Copy makes a deep copy of a given event, for use with allowing untrusted
// functions/handlers edit the event without causing potential issues with
// other handlers.
func (e *Event) Copy() *Event {
if e == nil {
return nil
newEvent := &Event{
Timestamp: e.Timestamp,
Command: e.Command,
Sensitive: e.Sensitive,
Echo: e.Echo,
// Copy Source field, as it's a pointer and needs to be dereferenced.
if e.Source != nil {
newEvent.Source = e.Source.Copy()
// Copy Params in order to dereference as well.
if e.Params != nil {
newEvent.Params = make([]string, len(e.Params))
copy(newEvent.Params, e.Params)
// Copy tags as necessary.
if e.Tags != nil {
newEvent.Tags = Tags{}
for k, v := range e.Tags {
newEvent.Tags[k] = v
return newEvent
// Equals compares two Events for equality.
func (e *Event) Equals(ev *Event) bool {
if e.Command != ev.Command || len(e.Params) != len(ev.Params) {
return false
for i := 0; i < len(e.Params); i++ {
if e.Params[i] != ev.Params[i] {
return false
if !e.Source.Equals(ev.Source) || !e.Tags.Equals(ev.Tags) {
return false
return true
// Len calculates the length of the string representation of event. Note that
// this will return the true length (even if longer than what IRC supports),
// which may be useful if you are trying to check and see if a message is
// too long, to trim it down yourself.
func (e *Event) Len() (length int) {
if e.Tags != nil {
// Include tags and trailing space.
length = e.Tags.Len() + 1
if e.Source != nil {
// Include prefix and trailing space.
length += e.Source.Len() + 2
length += len(e.Command)
if len(e.Params) > 0 {
// Spaces before each param.
length += len(e.Params)
for i := 0; i < len(e.Params); i++ {
length += len(e.Params[i])
// If param contains a space or it's empty, it's trailing, so it should be
// prefixed with a colon (:).
if i == len(e.Params)-1 && (strings.Contains(e.Params[i], " ") || e.Params[i] == "") {
// Bytes returns a []byte representation of event. Strips all newlines and
// carriage returns.
// Per RFC2812 section 2.3, messages should not exceed 512 characters in
// length. This method forces that limit by discarding any characters
// exceeding the length limit.
func (e *Event) Bytes() []byte {
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
// Tags.
if e.Tags != nil {
// Event prefix.
if e.Source != nil {
// Command is required.
// Space separated list of arguments.
if len(e.Params) > 0 {
// buffer.WriteByte(eventSpace)
for i := 0; i < len(e.Params); i++ {
if i == len(e.Params)-1 && (strings.Contains(e.Params[i], " ") || e.Params[i] == "") {
buffer.WriteString(string(eventSpace) + string(messagePrefix) + e.Params[i])
buffer.WriteString(string(eventSpace) + e.Params[i])
// We need the limit the buffer length.
if buffer.Len() > (maxLength) {
out := buffer.Bytes()
// Strip newlines and carriage returns.
for i := 0; i < len(out); i++ {
if out[i] == '\n' || out[i] == '\r' {
out = append(out[:i], out[i+1:]...)
i-- // Decrease the index so we can pick up where we left off.
return out
// String returns a string representation of this event. Strips all newlines
// and carriage returns.
func (e *Event) String() string {
return string(e.Bytes())
// Pretty returns a prettified string of the event. If the event doesn't
// support prettification, ok is false. Pretty is not just useful to make
// an event prettier, but also to filter out events that most don't visually
// see in normal IRC clients. e.g. most clients don't show WHO queries.
func (e *Event) Pretty() (out string, ok bool) {
if e.Sensitive || e.Echo {
return "", false
if e.Command == ERROR {
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] an error occurred: %s", e.Last()), true
if e.Source == nil {
if e.Command != PRIVMSG && e.Command != NOTICE {
return "", false
if len(e.Params) > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("[>] writing %s", e.String()), true
return "", false
if e.Command == INITIALIZED {
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] connection to %s initialized", e.Last()), true
if e.Command == CONNECTED {
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] successfully connected to %s", e.Last()), true
if (e.Command == PRIVMSG || e.Command == NOTICE) && len(e.Params) > 0 {
if ctcp := DecodeCTCP(e); ctcp != nil {
if ctcp.Reply {
if ctcp.Command == CTCP_ACTION {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s] **%s** %s", strings.Join(e.Params[0:len(e.Params)-1], ","), ctcp.Source.Name, ctcp.Text), true
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] CTCP query from %s: %s%s", ctcp.Source.Name, ctcp.Command, " "+ctcp.Text), true
var source string
if e.Command == PRIVMSG {
source = fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", e.Source.Name)
} else { // NOTICE
source = fmt.Sprintf("--%s--", e.Source.Name)
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s] (%s) %s", strings.Join(e.Params[0:len(e.Params)-1], ","), source, e.Last()), true
if e.Command == RPL_MOTD || e.Command == RPL_MOTDSTART ||
e.Command == RPL_WELCOME || e.Command == RPL_YOURHOST ||
e.Command == RPL_CREATED || e.Command == RPL_LUSERCLIENT {
return "[*] " + e.Last(), true
if e.Command == JOIN && len(e.Params) > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] %s (%s) has joined %s", e.Source.Name, e.Source.Host, e.Params[0]), true
if e.Command == PART && len(e.Params) > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] %s (%s) has left %s (%s)", e.Source.Name, e.Source.Host, e.Params[0], e.Last()), true
if e.Command == QUIT {
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] %s has quit (%s)", e.Source.Name, e.Last()), true
if e.Command == INVITE && len(e.Params) == 1 {
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] %s invited to %s by %s", e.Params[0], e.Last(), e.Source.Name), true
if e.Command == KICK && len(e.Params) >= 2 {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s] *** %s has kicked %s: %s", e.Params[0], e.Source.Name, e.Params[1], e.Last()), true
if e.Command == NICK {
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] %s is now known as %s", e.Source.Name, e.Last()), true
if e.Command == TOPIC && len(e.Params) >= 2 {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s] *** %s has set the topic to: %s", e.Params[0], e.Source.Name, e.Last()), true
if e.Command == RPL_TOPIC && len(e.Params) > 0 {
if len(e.Params) >= 2 {
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] topic for %s is: %s", e.Params[1], e.Last()), true
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] topic for %s is: %s", e.Params[0], e.Last()), true
if e.Command == MODE && len(e.Params) > 2 {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s] *** %s set modes: %s", e.Params[0], e.Source.Name, strings.Join(e.Params[1:], " ")), true
if e.Command == CAP_AWAY {
if len(e.Params) > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] %s is now away: %s", e.Source.Name, e.Last()), true
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] %s is no longer away", e.Source.Name), true
if e.Command == CAP_CHGHOST && len(e.Params) == 2 {
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] %s has changed their host to %s (was %s)", e.Source.Name, e.Params[1], e.Source.Host), true
if e.Command == CAP_ACCOUNT && len(e.Params) == 1 {
if e.Params[0] == "*" {
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] %s has become un-authenticated", e.Source.Name), true
return fmt.Sprintf("[*] %s has authenticated for account: %s", e.Source.Name, e.Params[0]), true
if e.Command == CAP && len(e.Params) >= 2 && e.Params[1] == CAP_ACK {
return "[*] enabling capabilities: " + e.Last(), true
return "", false
// IsAction checks to see if the event is an ACTION (/me).
func (e *Event) IsAction() bool {
if e.Command != PRIVMSG {
return false
ok, ctcp := e.IsCTCP()
return ok && ctcp.Command == CTCP_ACTION
// IsCTCP checks to see if the event is a CTCP event, and if so, returns the
// converted CTCP event.
func (e *Event) IsCTCP() (ok bool, ctcp *CTCPEvent) {
ctcp = DecodeCTCP(e)
return ctcp != nil, ctcp
// IsFromChannel checks to see if a message was from a channel (rather than
// a private message).
func (e *Event) IsFromChannel() bool {
if e.Source == nil || (e.Command != PRIVMSG && e.Command != NOTICE) || len(e.Params) < 1 {
return false
if !IsValidChannel(e.Params[0]) {
return false
return true
// IsFromUser checks to see if a message was from a user (rather than a
// channel).
func (e *Event) IsFromUser() bool {
if e.Source == nil || (e.Command != PRIVMSG && e.Command != NOTICE) || len(e.Params) < 1 {
return false
if !IsValidNick(e.Params[0]) {
return false
return true
// StripAction returns the stripped version of the action encoding from a
func (e *Event) StripAction() string {
if !e.IsAction() {
return e.Last()
msg := e.Last()
return msg[8 : len(msg)-1]
const (
messagePrefix byte = ':' // Prefix or last argument.
prefixIdent byte = '!' // Username.
prefixHost byte = '@' // Hostname.
// Source represents the sender of an IRC event, see RFC1459 section 2.3.1.
// <servername> | <nick> [ '!' <user> ] [ '@' <host> ]
type Source struct {
// Name is the nickname, server name, or service name, in its original
// non-rfc1459 form.
Name string `json:"name"`
// Ident is commonly known as the "user".
Ident string `json:"ident"`
// Host is the hostname or IP address of the user/service. Is not accurate
// due to how IRC servers can spoof hostnames.
Host string `json:"host"`
// ID is the nickname, server name, or service name, in it's converted
// and comparable) form.
func (s *Source) ID() string {
return ToRFC1459(s.Name)
// Equals compares two Sources for equality.
func (s *Source) Equals(ss *Source) bool {
if s == nil && ss == nil {
return true
if s != nil && ss == nil || s == nil && ss != nil {
return false
if s.ID() != ss.ID() || s.Ident != ss.Ident || s.Host != ss.Host {
return false
return true
// Copy returns a deep copy of Source.
func (s *Source) Copy() *Source {
if s == nil {
return nil
newSource := &Source{
Name: s.Name,
Ident: s.Ident,
Host: s.Host,
return newSource
// ParseSource takes a string and attempts to create a Source struct.
func ParseSource(raw string) (src *Source) {
src = new(Source)
user := strings.IndexByte(raw, prefixIdent)
host := strings.IndexByte(raw, prefixHost)
switch {
case user > 0 && host > user:
src.Name = raw[:user]
src.Ident = raw[user+1 : host]
src.Host = raw[host+1:]
case user > 0:
src.Name = raw[:user]
src.Ident = raw[user+1:]
case host > 0:
src.Name = raw[:host]
src.Host = raw[host+1:]
src.Name = raw
return src
// Len calculates the length of the string representation of prefix
func (s *Source) Len() (length int) {
length = len(s.Name)
if len(s.Ident) > 0 {
length = 1 + length + len(s.Ident)
if len(s.Host) > 0 {
length = 1 + length + len(s.Host)
// Bytes returns a []byte representation of source.
func (s *Source) Bytes() []byte {
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
return buffer.Bytes()
// String returns a string representation of source.
func (s *Source) String() (out string) {
out = s.Name
if len(s.Ident) > 0 {
out = out + string(prefixIdent) + s.Ident
if len(s.Host) > 0 {
out = out + string(prefixHost) + s.Host
// IsHostmask returns true if source looks like a user hostmask.
func (s *Source) IsHostmask() bool {
return len(s.Ident) > 0 && len(s.Host) > 0
// IsServer returns true if this source looks like a server name.
func (s *Source) IsServer() bool {
return len(s.Ident) <= 0 && len(s.Host) <= 0
// writeTo is an utility function to write the source to the bytes.Buffer
// in Event.String().
func (s *Source) writeTo(buffer *bytes.Buffer) {
if len(s.Ident) > 0 {
if len(s.Host) > 0 {