nmeum ec512cad4f Preliminary support for the MONITOR command (#22)
This commit adds support for the IRCv3.2 MONITOR command [1]. This
includes a new function for sending MONITOR commands to the IRC server
and constants for creating handlers for the server responses.

Discussion: Currently no fancy abstraction is offered for the MONITOR
command. Meaning the caller can:

1. Send MONITOR commands to the server with invalid modifier, where
   `modifier ∉ {+, -, C, L, S}`.
2. Add a target to the list of targets being monitored which is already
   in that list. Which the client MUST NOT do according to the

Both 1. and 2. could be addressed by implementing separate functions for
the different MONITOR command modifiers (e.g. `MonitorAdd()`,
`MonitorDel()`, …). If 2. is not considered an issue and should be
resolved by the caller 1. could alternatively by defining a new type for
the modifier.

An entirely different solution would be adding methods for monitoring to
the `User struct`. For example: `User.Monitor(), User.Unmonitor(), …`.

2018-12-10 08:49:51 -08:00

368 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) Liam Stanley <>. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
package girc
import (
// Commands holds a large list of useful methods to interact with the server,
// and wrappers for common events.
type Commands struct {
c *Client
// Nick changes the client nickname.
func (cmd *Commands) Nick(name string) {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: NICK, Params: []string{name}})
// Join attempts to enter a list of IRC channels, at bulk if possible to
// prevent sending extensive JOIN commands.
func (cmd *Commands) Join(channels ...string) {
// We can join multiple channels at once, however we need to ensure that
// we are not exceeding the line length. (see maxLength)
max := maxLength - len(JOIN) - 1
var buffer string
for i := 0; i < len(channels); i++ {
if len(buffer+","+channels[i]) > max {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: JOIN, Params: []string{buffer}})
buffer = ""
if len(buffer) == 0 {
buffer = channels[i]
} else {
buffer += "," + channels[i]
if i == len(channels)-1 {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: JOIN, Params: []string{buffer}})
// JoinKey attempts to enter an IRC channel with a password.
func (cmd *Commands) JoinKey(channel, password string) {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: JOIN, Params: []string{channel, password}})
// Part leaves an IRC channel.
func (cmd *Commands) Part(channels ...string) {
for i := 0; i < len(channels); i++ {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: PART, Params: []string{channels[i]}})
// PartMessage leaves an IRC channel with a specified leave message.
func (cmd *Commands) PartMessage(channel, message string) {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: PART, Params: []string{channel}, Trailing: message, EmptyTrailing: true})
// SendCTCP sends a CTCP request to target. Note that this method uses
// PRIVMSG specifically. ctcpType is the CTCP command, e.g. "FINGER", "TIME",
// "VERSION", etc.
func (cmd *Commands) SendCTCP(target, ctcpType, message string) {
out := EncodeCTCPRaw(ctcpType, message)
if out == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid CTCP: %s -> %s: %s", target, ctcpType, message))
cmd.Message(target, out)
// SendCTCPf sends a CTCP request to target using a specific format. Note that
// this method uses PRIVMSG specifically. ctcpType is the CTCP command, e.g.
// "FINGER", "TIME", "VERSION", etc.
func (cmd *Commands) SendCTCPf(target, ctcpType, format string, a ...interface{}) {
cmd.SendCTCP(target, ctcpType, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// SendCTCPReplyf sends a CTCP response to target using a specific format.
// Note that this method uses NOTICE specifically. ctcpType is the CTCP
// command, e.g. "FINGER", "TIME", "VERSION", etc.
func (cmd *Commands) SendCTCPReplyf(target, ctcpType, format string, a ...interface{}) {
cmd.SendCTCPReply(target, ctcpType, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// SendCTCPReply sends a CTCP response to target. Note that this method uses
// NOTICE specifically.
func (cmd *Commands) SendCTCPReply(target, ctcpType, message string) {
out := EncodeCTCPRaw(ctcpType, message)
if out == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid CTCP: %s -> %s: %s", target, ctcpType, message))
cmd.Notice(target, out)
// Message sends a PRIVMSG to target (either channel, service, or user).
func (cmd *Commands) Message(target, message string) {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: PRIVMSG, Params: []string{target}, Trailing: message, EmptyTrailing: true})
// Messagef sends a formated PRIVMSG to target (either channel, service, or
// user).
func (cmd *Commands) Messagef(target, format string, a ...interface{}) {
cmd.Message(target, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// ErrInvalidSource is returned when a method needs to know the origin of an
// event, however Event.Source is unknown (e.g. sent by the user, not the
// server.)
var ErrInvalidSource = errors.New("event has nil or invalid source address")
// Reply sends a reply to channel or user, based on where the supplied event
// originated from. See also ReplyTo(). Panics if the incoming event has no
// source.
func (cmd *Commands) Reply(event Event, message string) {
if event.Source == nil {
if len(event.Params) > 0 && IsValidChannel(event.Params[0]) {
cmd.Message(event.Params[0], message)
cmd.Message(event.Source.Name, message)
// Replyf sends a reply to channel or user with a format string, based on
// where the supplied event originated from. See also ReplyTof(). Panics if
// the incoming event has no source.
func (cmd *Commands) Replyf(event Event, format string, a ...interface{}) {
cmd.Reply(event, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// ReplyTo sends a reply to a channel or user, based on where the supplied
// event originated from. ReplyTo(), when originating from a channel will
// default to replying with "<user>, <message>". See also Reply(). Panics if
// the incoming event has no source.
func (cmd *Commands) ReplyTo(event Event, message string) {
if event.Source == nil {
if len(event.Params) > 0 && IsValidChannel(event.Params[0]) {
cmd.Message(event.Params[0], event.Source.Name+", "+message)
cmd.Message(event.Source.Name, message)
// ReplyTof sends a reply to a channel or user with a format string, based
// on where the supplied event originated from. ReplyTo(), when originating
// from a channel will default to replying with "<user>, <message>". See
// also Replyf(). Panics if the incoming event has no source.
func (cmd *Commands) ReplyTof(event Event, format string, a ...interface{}) {
cmd.ReplyTo(event, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Action sends a PRIVMSG ACTION (/me) to target (either channel, service,
// or user).
func (cmd *Commands) Action(target, message string) {
Command: PRIVMSG,
Params: []string{target},
Trailing: fmt.Sprintf("\001ACTION %s\001", message),
// Actionf sends a formated PRIVMSG ACTION (/me) to target (either channel,
// service, or user).
func (cmd *Commands) Actionf(target, format string, a ...interface{}) {
cmd.Action(target, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Notice sends a NOTICE to target (either channel, service, or user).
func (cmd *Commands) Notice(target, message string) {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: NOTICE, Params: []string{target}, Trailing: message, EmptyTrailing: true})
// Noticef sends a formated NOTICE to target (either channel, service, or
// user).
func (cmd *Commands) Noticef(target, format string, a ...interface{}) {
cmd.Notice(target, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// SendRaw sends a raw string (or multiple) to the server, without carriage
// returns or newlines. Returns an error if one of the raw strings cannot be
// properly parsed.
func (cmd *Commands) SendRaw(raw ...string) error {
var event *Event
for i := 0; i < len(raw); i++ {
event = ParseEvent(raw[i])
if event == nil {
return errors.New("invalid event: " + raw[i])
return nil
// SendRawf sends a formated string back to the server, without carriage
// returns or newlines.
func (cmd *Commands) SendRawf(format string, a ...interface{}) error {
return cmd.SendRaw(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Topic sets the topic of channel to message. Does not verify the length
// of the topic.
func (cmd *Commands) Topic(channel, message string) {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: TOPIC, Params: []string{channel}, Trailing: message, EmptyTrailing: true})
// Who sends a WHO query to the server, which will attempt WHOX by default.
// See for more details. This
// sends "%tcuhnr,2" per default. Do not use "1" as this will conflict with
// girc's builtin tracking functionality.
func (cmd *Commands) Who(users ...string) {
for i := 0; i < len(users); i++ {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: WHO, Params: []string{users[i], "%tcuhnr,2"}})
// Whois sends a WHOIS query to the server, targeted at a specific user (or
// set of users). As WHOIS is a bit slower, you may want to use WHO for brief
// user info.
func (cmd *Commands) Whois(users ...string) {
for i := 0; i < len(users); i++ {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: WHOIS, Params: []string{users[i]}})
// Ping sends a PING query to the server, with a specific identifier that
// the server should respond with.
func (cmd *Commands) Ping(id string) {
cmd.c.write(&Event{Command: PING, Params: []string{id}})
// Pong sends a PONG query to the server, with an identifier which was
// received from a previous PING query received by the client.
func (cmd *Commands) Pong(id string) {
cmd.c.write(&Event{Command: PONG, Params: []string{id}})
// Oper sends a OPER authentication query to the server, with a username
// and password.
func (cmd *Commands) Oper(user, pass string) {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: OPER, Params: []string{user, pass}, Sensitive: true})
// Kick sends a KICK query to the server, attempting to kick nick from
// channel, with reason. If reason is blank, one will not be sent to the
// server.
func (cmd *Commands) Kick(channel, user, reason string) {
if reason != "" {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: KICK, Params: []string{channel, user}, Trailing: reason, EmptyTrailing: true})
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: KICK, Params: []string{channel, user}})
// Ban adds the +b mode on the given mask on a channel.
func (cmd *Commands) Ban(channel, mask string) {
cmd.Mode(channel, "+b", mask)
// Unban removes the +b mode on the given mask on a channel.
func (cmd *Commands) Unban(channel, mask string) {
cmd.Mode(channel, "-b", mask)
// Mode sends a mode change to the server which should be applied to target
// (usually a channel or user), along with a set of modes (generally "+m",
// "+mmmm", or "-m", where "m" is the mode you want to change). Params is only
// needed if the mode change requires a parameter (ban or invite-only exclude.)
func (cmd *Commands) Mode(target, modes string, params ...string) {
out := []string{target, modes}
out = append(out, params...)
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: MODE, Params: out})
// Invite sends a INVITE query to the server, to invite nick to channel.
func (cmd *Commands) Invite(channel string, users ...string) {
for i := 0; i < len(users); i++ {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: INVITE, Params: []string{users[i], channel}})
// Away sends a AWAY query to the server, suggesting that the client is no
// longer active. If reason is blank, Client.Back() is called. Also see
// Client.Back().
func (cmd *Commands) Away(reason string) {
if reason == "" {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: AWAY, Params: []string{reason}})
// Back sends a AWAY query to the server, however the query is blank,
// suggesting that the client is active once again. Also see Client.Away().
func (cmd *Commands) Back() {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: AWAY})
// List sends a LIST query to the server, which will list channels and topics.
// Supports multiple channels at once, in hopes it will reduce extensive
// LIST queries to the server. Supply no channels to run a list against the
// entire server (warning, that may mean LOTS of channels!)
func (cmd *Commands) List(channels ...string) {
if len(channels) == 0 {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: LIST})
// We can LIST multiple channels at once, however we need to ensure that
// we are not exceeding the line length. (see maxLength)
max := maxLength - len(JOIN) - 1
var buffer string
for i := 0; i < len(channels); i++ {
if len(buffer+","+channels[i]) > max {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: LIST, Params: []string{buffer}})
buffer = ""
if len(buffer) == 0 {
buffer = channels[i]
} else {
buffer += "," + channels[i]
if i == len(channels)-1 {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: LIST, Params: []string{buffer}})
// Whowas sends a WHOWAS query to the server. amount is the amount of results
// you want back.
func (cmd *Commands) Whowas(user string, amount int) {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: WHOWAS, Params: []string{user, string(amount)}})
// Monitor sends a MONITOR query to the server. The results of the query
// depends on the given modifier, see
func (cmd *Commands) Monitor(modifier rune, args ...string) {
cmd.c.Send(&Event{Command: MONITOR, Params: append([]string{string(modifier)}, args...)})