Liam Stanley 51b8e096d3
move away from Event.Trailing
* initial work towards moving away from Event.Trailing

* Event.Trailing() -> Event.Last()

* fix incorrect go.mod/go.sum files

* fixes for pretty printed topics and CTCPs

* remove unneeded whitespace check

* clarify potential contents of Event.Params

* better splitting of hopcount from realname
2019-02-10 16:20:25 -05:00

184 lines
5.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) Liam Stanley <>. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
package girc
import (
func TestEncodeCTCP(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
ctcp *CTCPEvent
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want string
{name: "command only", args: args{ctcp: &CTCPEvent{Command: "TEST", Text: ""}}, want: "\001TEST\001"},
{name: "command with args", args: args{ctcp: &CTCPEvent{Command: "TEST", Text: "TEST"}}, want: "\001TEST TEST\001"},
{name: "nil command", args: args{ctcp: &CTCPEvent{Command: "", Text: "TEST"}}, want: ""},
{name: "nil event", args: args{ctcp: nil}, want: ""},
for _, tt := range tests {
if got := EncodeCTCP(tt.args.ctcp); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("%s: encodeCTCP() = %q, want %q",, got, tt.want)
func TestNewCTCP(t *testing.T) {
ctcp := newCTCP()
if ctcp == nil {
t.Fatalf("newCTCP() = nil, wanted *CTCP")
func TestDecodeCTCP(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
event *Event
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want *CTCPEvent
{name: "non-ctcp", args: args{event: &Event{
Command: "PRIVMSG", Params: []string{"user1", "this is a test"}},
}, want: nil},
{name: "empty trailing", args: args{event: &Event{
Command: "PRIVMSG", Params: []string{"user1", ""}},
}, want: nil},
{name: "too many args", args: args{event: &Event{
Command: "PRIVMSG", Params: []string{"user1", "user2", "this is a test"}},
}, want: nil},
{name: "missing delim", args: args{event: &Event{
Command: "PRIVMSG", Params: []string{"user1", "\001TEST this is a test"}},
}, want: nil},
{name: "missing delim", args: args{event: &Event{
Command: "PRIVMSG", Params: []string{"user1", "TEST this is a test\001"}},
}, want: nil},
{name: "invalid command", args: args{event: &Event{
Command: "PRIVMSG", Params: []string{"user1", "\001TEST-1 this is a test\001"}},
}, want: nil},
{name: "invalid command", args: args{event: &Event{
Command: "PRIVMSG", Params: []string{"user1", "\001TEST-1\001"}},
}, want: nil},
{name: "is reply", args: args{event: &Event{
Command: "NOTICE", Params: []string{"user1", "\001TEST this is a test\001"}},
}, want: &CTCPEvent{Command: "TEST", Text: "this is a test", Reply: true}},
{name: "is reply, tag only", args: args{event: &Event{
Command: "NOTICE", Params: []string{"user1", "\001TEST\001"}},
}, want: &CTCPEvent{Command: "TEST", Text: "", Reply: true}},
{name: "is reply", args: args{event: &Event{
Command: "PRIVMSG", Params: []string{"user1", "\001TEST\001"}},
}, want: &CTCPEvent{Command: "TEST", Text: ""}},
{name: "has args", args: args{event: &Event{
Command: "PRIVMSG", Params: []string{"user1", "\001TEST 1 2 3 4\001"}},
}, want: &CTCPEvent{Command: "TEST", Text: "1 2 3 4"}},
{name: "has args", args: args{event: &Event{
Command: "PRIVMSG", Params: []string{"user1", "\001TEST :1 2 3 4\001"}},
}, want: &CTCPEvent{Command: "TEST", Text: ":1 2 3 4"}},
for _, tt := range tests {
got := DecodeCTCP(tt.args.event)
if got != nil {
got.Origin = tt.want.Origin
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
t.Errorf("%s: decodeCTCP() = %#v, want %#v",, got, tt.want)
func TestCall(t *testing.T) {
var counter uint64
ctcp := newCTCP()
ctcp.Set("TEST", func(client *Client, event CTCPEvent) {
atomic.AddUint64(&counter, 1)
if{}), &CTCPEvent{Command: "TEST"}); atomic.LoadUint64(&counter) != 1 {
t.Fatal("regular execution: call() didn't increase counter")
ctcp.SetBg("TEST", func(client *Client, event CTCPEvent) {
atomic.AddUint64(&counter, 1)
}){}), &CTCPEvent{Command: "TEST"})
if time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond); atomic.LoadUint64(&counter) != 2 {
t.Fatal("goroutine execution: call() in goroutine didn't increase counter")
ctcp.Set("*", func(client *Client, event CTCPEvent) {
atomic.AddUint64(&counter, 1)
if{}), &CTCPEvent{Command: "TEST"}); atomic.LoadUint64(&counter) != 3 {
t.Fatal("wildcard execution: call() didn't increase counter")
if{}), &CTCPEvent{Command: "TEST"}); atomic.LoadUint64(&counter) != 3 {
t.Fatal("empty execution: call() with no handler incremented the counter")
func TestSet(t *testing.T) {
ctcp := newCTCP()
ctcp.Set("TEST-1", func(client *Client, event CTCPEvent) {})
if _, ok := ctcp.handlers["TEST"]; ok {
t.Fatal("Set('TEST') allowed invalid command")
ctcp.Set("TEST", func(client *Client, event CTCPEvent) {})
// Make sure it's there.
if _, ok := ctcp.handlers["TEST"]; !ok {
t.Fatal("store: Set('TEST') didn't set")
func TestClear(t *testing.T) {
ctcp := newCTCP()
ctcp.Set("TEST", func(client *Client, event CTCPEvent) {})
if _, ok := ctcp.handlers["TEST"]; ok {
t.Fatal("ctcp.Clear('TEST') didn't remove handler")
func TestClearAll(t *testing.T) {
ctcp := newCTCP()
ctcp.Set("TEST1", func(client *Client, event CTCPEvent) {})
ctcp.Set("TEST2", func(client *Client, event CTCPEvent) {})
_, first := ctcp.handlers["TEST1"]
_, second := ctcp.handlers["TEST2"]
if first || second {
t.Fatalf("ctcp.ClearAll() didn't remove all handlers: 1: %v 2: %v", first, second)