2022-09-26 08:25:21 -07:00

250 lines
5.5 KiB

package cli
import (
var (
cpuOn = false
cpuCtx context.Context
cpuCancel context.CancelFunc
cpuLastCol string
cpuLastHue = make(map[int]uint16)
type ziggsCommand struct {
reactor reactor
aliases []string
isAlias bool
type reactor func(bridge *ziggy.Bridge, args []string) error
func newZiggsCommand(
react reactor,
aliases ...string) *ziggsCommand {
ret := &ziggsCommand{
reactor: react,
isAlias: false,
for _, alias := range aliases {
CLICommands[alias] = &ziggsCommand{
reactor: react,
isAlias: true,
return ret
var CLICommands = make(map[string]*ziggsCommand)
func init() {
CLICommands["ls"] = newZiggsCommand(cmdList)
CLICommands["schedules"] = newZiggsCommand(cmdSchedules, "lssched", "crontab")
CLICommands["rules"] = newZiggsCommand(cmdRules, "lsrule")
CLICommands["sensors"] = newZiggsCommand(cmdSensors, "lssens")
CLICommands["scenes"] = newZiggsCommand(cmdScenes, "lsscene")
CLICommands["lights"] = newZiggsCommand(cmdLights, "lslight")
CLICommands["groups"] = newZiggsCommand(cmdGroups, "lsgrp")
CLICommands["delete"] = newZiggsCommand(cmdDelete, "del", "remove")
CLICommands["scan"] = newZiggsCommand(cmdScan, "search", "find")
CLICommands["rename"] = newZiggsCommand(cmdRename, "mv")
CLICommands["set"] = newZiggsCommand(cmdSet, "update")
func cmdList(br *ziggy.Bridge, args []string) error {
var runs = []reactor{cmdLights, cmdGroups, cmdScenes, cmdSensors}
var cont = false
for _, arg := range args {
if len(arg) > 4 {
if !strings.ContainsAny(arg, "-la") {
cont = true
if cont {
runs = append(runs, cmdSchedules, cmdRules)
for _, run := range runs {
if err := run(br, args); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func cmdScenes(br *ziggy.Bridge, args []string) error {
scenes, err := br.GetScenes()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, scene := range scenes {
log.Info().Str("caller", scene.Name).Msgf("%v", spew.Sprint(scene))
return nil
func cmdLights(br *ziggy.Bridge, args []string) error {
for name, l := range ziggy.GetLightMap() {
Int("ID", l.ID).Str("type", l.ProductName).
Str("model", l.ModelID).Bool("on", l.IsOn()).Msgf("[+] %s", name)
return nil
func cmdRules(br *ziggy.Bridge, args []string) error {
rules, err := br.GetRules()
if err != nil {
return err
if len(rules) == 0 {
return errors.New("no rules found")
for _, r := range rules {
log.Info().Str("caller", r.Name).Int("ID", r.ID).Msgf("%v", spew.Sprint(r))
return nil
func cmdSchedules(br *ziggy.Bridge, args []string) error {
schedules, err := br.GetSchedules()
if err != nil {
return err
if len(schedules) == 0 {
return errors.New("no schedules found")
for _, s := range schedules {
log.Info().Str("caller", s.Name).Int("ID", s.ID).Msgf("%v", spew.Sprint(s))
return nil
func cmdSensors(br *ziggy.Bridge, args []string) error {
sensors, err := br.GetSensors()
if err != nil {
return err
if len(sensors) == 0 {
return errors.New("no sensors found")
for _, s := range sensors {
log.Info().Str("caller", s.Name).Int("ID", s.ID).Msgf("%v", spew.Sprint(s))
return nil
func cmdGroups(br *ziggy.Bridge, args []string) error {
groupmap, err := ziggy.GetGroupMap()
if err != nil {
return err
if len(groupmap) == 0 {
return errors.New("no groups found")
for n, g := range groupmap {
log.Info().Str("caller", g.Name).Str("mapname", n).Str("type", g.Type).Int("ID", g.ID).
Str("class", g.Class).Bool("on", g.IsOn()).Msgf("%v", g.GroupState)
return nil
func cmdDelete(br *ziggy.Bridge, args []string) error {
if len(args) < 2 {
return errors.New("not enough arguments")
argID, err := strconv.Atoi(args[1])
if err != nil {
return err
confirm := func() bool {
log.Info().Msgf("Are you sure you want to delete %s with ID %d? [y/N]", args[0], argID)
var input string
return strings.ToLower(input) == "y"
switch args[0] {
case "light":
if confirm() {
return br.DeleteLight(argID)
case "group":
if confirm() {
return br.DeleteGroup(argID)
case "schedule":
if confirm() {
return br.DeleteSchedule(argID)
case "rule":
if confirm() {
return br.DeleteRule(argID)
case "sensor":
if confirm() {
return br.DeleteSensor(argID)
return errors.New("invalid target type")
return nil
func cmdRename(br *ziggy.Bridge, args []string) error {
if len(args) < 3 {
return errors.New("not enough arguments")
argID, err := strconv.Atoi(args[1])
if err != nil {
return err
switch args[0] {
case "light":
resp, err := br.UpdateLight(argID, huego.Light{Name: args[2]})
if err != nil {
return err
log.Info().Msgf("response: %v", resp)
case "group":
resp, err := br.UpdateGroup(argID, huego.Group{Name: args[2]})
if err != nil {
return err
log.Info().Msgf("response: %v", resp)
case "schedule":
resp, err := br.UpdateSchedule(argID, &huego.Schedule{Name: args[2]})
if err != nil {
return err
log.Info().Msgf("response: %v", resp)
case "rule":
resp, err := br.UpdateRule(argID, &huego.Rule{Name: args[2]})
if err != nil {
return err
log.Info().Msgf("response: %v", resp)
case "sensor":
resp, err := br.UpdateSensor(argID, &huego.Sensor{Name: args[2]})
if err != nil {
return err
log.Info().Msgf("response: %v", resp)
return errors.New("invalid target type")
return nil