
50 lines
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// Package art implements an Adapative Radix Tree(ART) in pure Go.
// Note that this implementation is not thread-safe but it could be really easy to implement.
// The design of ART is based on "The Adaptive Radix Tree: ARTful Indexing for Main-Memory Databases" [1].
// Usage
// package main
// import (
// "fmt"
// "github.com/plar/go-adaptive-radix-tree"
// )
// func main() {
// tree := art.New()
// tree.Insert(art.Key("Hi, I'm Key"), "Nice to meet you, I'm Value")
// value, found := tree.Search(art.Key("Hi, I'm Key"))
// if found {
// fmt.Printf("Search value=%v\n", value)
// }
// tree.ForEach(func(node art.Node) bool {
// fmt.Printf("Callback value=%v\n", node.Value())
// return true
// }
// for it := tree.Iterator(); it.HasNext(); {
// value, _ := it.Next()
// fmt.Printf("Iterator value=%v\n", value.Value())
// }
// }
// // Output:
// // Search value=Nice to meet you, I'm Value
// // Callback value=Nice to meet you, I'm Value
// // Iterator value=Nice to meet you, I'm Value
// Also the current implementation was inspired by [2] and [3]
// [1] http://db.in.tum.de/~leis/papers/ART.pdf (Specification)
// [2] https://github.com/armon/libart (C99 implementation)
// [3] https://github.com/kellydunn/go-art (other Go implementation)
package art