2020-12-30 02:52:35 -05:00

289 lines
18 KiB

# Notes for development
Various JSON APIs
<form action="" method="post" target="_blank">
<table align="center" cellpadding="5" bgcolor="#E7E7F7"><tr><td>
<b>Enter a long URL to make <a href="">tiny</a>:</b><br/>
<input type="text" name="url" size="30"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Make TinyURL!">
bot API docs and examples
character sets
Notes on bs4:
[ meta.attrs['content'] for meta in doc.find_all('meta') if 'name' in meta.attrs and meta.attrs['name'] == 'description' ]
could provide additional info
from statistics import mean
set([x['market']['name'] for x in b['tickers']])
mean(sorted([x['converted_last']['usd'] for x in b['tickers']]))
In [13]: [ x.attrs for x in HTML(bots[0][0].grab(""), features = "html.parser").find("head") if type(x) == SOUP.element.Tag if x.attrs.get("property") !
...: = None and x.attrs.get("property").startswith("og:") ]
DEBUG|connectionpool->_new_conn Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG|connectionpool->_make_request "GET /watch?v=rvfEldHBnqM HTTP/1.1" 200 None
DEBUG|mcmxi->grab <Response [200]>
[{'property': 'og:site_name', 'content': 'YouTube'},
{'property': 'og:url',
'content': ''},
{'property': 'og:title', 'content': 'Still A G Thang'},
{'property': 'og:image',
'content': ''},
{'property': 'og:image:width', 'content': '1280'},
{'property': 'og:image:height', 'content': '720'},
{'property': 'og:description',
'content': 'Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Still A G Thang · Snoop Dogg The Best Of Snoop Dogg ℗ 1998 Priority Records, LLC Released on: 2005-01-01 Associa...'},
{'property': 'og:type', 'content': 'video.other'},
{'property': 'og:video:url',
'content': ''},
{'property': 'og:video:secure_url',
'content': ''},
{'property': 'og:video:type', 'content': 'text/html'},
{'property': 'og:video:width', 'content': '960'},
{'property': 'og:video:height', 'content': '720'},
{'property': 'og:video:tag', 'content': 'Snoop Dogg'},
{'property': 'og:video:tag', 'content': 'スヌープ・ドッグ'},
{'property': 'og:video:tag', 'content': 'スヌープドッグ'},
{'property': 'og:video:tag', 'content': 'The Best Of Snoop Dogg'},
{'property': 'og:video:tag', 'content': 'Still A G Thang'},
{'property': 'og:video:tag', 'content': 'スティル・ア・G・サング'},
{'property': 'og:video:tag', 'content': 'スティル・ア・ジー・サング'}]
In [23]: (lambda l: [x.attrs for x in HTML(bots[0][0].grab(l), features = "html.parser").find("head") if type(x) == SOUP.element.Tag if x.attrs.get("property") != None and x.attrs.get("property")
...: .startswith("og:")])("")
DEBUG|connectionpool->_new_conn Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG|connectionpool->_make_request "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 0
DEBUG|connectionpool->_new_conn Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG|connectionpool->_make_request "GET /en-au/ HTTP/1.1" 200 39573
DEBUG|mcmxi->grab <Response [200]>
[{'property': 'og:url', 'content': ''},
{'property': 'og:title', 'content': 'Microsoft - Official Home Page'},
{'property': 'og:description',
'content': 'At Microsoft our mission and values are to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential.'},
{'property': 'og:type', 'content': 'website'}]
In [24]:
In [77]: [ x for x in HTML(bots[0][0].grab(""), features="html.parser").find_all("meta") if type(x) == SOUP.element.Tag if x.get("property") != None and x.get("property
...: ").startswith("og:")]
DEBUG|connectionpool->_new_conn Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG|connectionpool->_make_request "GET /a/AjZCl0b HTTP/1.1" 200 None
DEBUG|mcmxi->grab <Response [200]>
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# cards
clubs (lowest), followed by diamonds, hearts, and spades (highest).
[(chr(x), x) for x in [9827, 9830, 9829, 9824]]
[(chr(x), x) for x in [9831, 9826, 9825, 9828]]
52 card deck
list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(lambda c: [ x for x in [
(c, "A"),
(c, "K"),
(c, "Q"),
(c, "J"),
(c, "10"),
(c, "9"),
(c, "8"),
(c, "7"),
(c, "6"),
(c, "5"),
(c, "4"),
(c, "3"),
(c, "2") ]
], [ chr(x) for x in [0x2660, 0x2661, 0x2666, 0x2667 ] ] ) ) )
Bridge (for bidding and scoring) and occasionally poker: spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs; 'notrump'
ranks above all the suits[clarification needed]
Preferans: hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades. Only used for bidding, and No
Trump[clarification needed] is considered higher than hearts.
Five Hundred: hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades (for bidding and scoring)
Ninety-nine: clubs, hearts, spades, diamonds (supposedly mnemonic as they have
respectively 3, 2, 1, 0 lobes; see article for how this scoring is used)
Skat: clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds; or acorns, leaves, hearts, bells
(for bidding and to determine which Jack beats which in play)
Big Two: spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds (Presidents reverses suit strength:
hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs)
Teen patti: In the case where two players have flushes with cards of the same
rank, the winning hand is based on suit color as ranked by clubs, hearts, spades, diamonds.
Thirteen: hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades.
durak deck:
durak_deck = lambda: [(x, z, ord(x) | rank_value) for x, z, rank_value in itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(lambda c: [ x for x in [ (c,"A", 0x8192), (c, "K", 0x4096), (c, "Q", 0x2048), (c, "J", 0x1024), (c, "10", 0x512), (c, "9", 0x256), (c, "8", 0x128), (c, "7", 0x64), (c, "6", 0x32), (c, "5", 0x16), (c, "4", 0x08), (c, "3", 0x04), (c, "2", 0x02) ] ], [ chr(x) for x in [0x2660, 0x2661, 0x2666, 0x2667 ] ] ) ) if len([y for y in ["A", "K", "Q", "J", "10", "9", "8", "7", "6"] if y == z]) > 0 ]
players = ["deuce", "spigot", "rands"]
current_game_deck = random.sample(durak_deck(), 36)
The game is typically played with two to five people, with six players if desired, using a deck of 36 cards,
for example a standard 52-card deck from which the numerical cards 2 through 5 have been removed.
In theory the limit for a game with one deck of 36 cards is six players, but this extends a
considerable advantage to the player who attacks first, and a considerable disadvantage to the
player who defends first. Variants exist that use more than one deck.
durak_deck = players > 6 and durak_deck * 2 or durak_deck (NOTE to self, color offest inverted?)
The deck is shuffled, and each player is dealt six cards. The bottom card of the stock is
turned and placed face up on the table, its suit determining the trump suit for the current deal.
For example, if it is the 7 of diamonds, then diamonds rank higher than all plain-suit cards.
The rest of the pack is then placed on half over the turnup and at right angles to it,
so that it remains visible. These cards form the prikup or talon. The turnup remains part
of the talon and is drawn as the last card. Cards discarded due to successful defences are
placed in a discard pile next to the talon.
dealer = lambda cards, players: [ cards[y : y + 6 ] for x, y in zip(range(players), [ 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 ] ) ]
hands = dict(zip(players, dealer(current_game_deck, len(players) ) ) )
# note this pack/unpack of the deck in a lambda isn't actually necesarry since the turn up / trump card
# is actually considered to be part of the talon and doesn't need to be "popped" but "peeked",
# but the example remains for other games where a card maybe selectively removed at the same time that
# the stock is assigned:
talon, turn_up = (lambda s: (s, s[ -1 ] ) )(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(dealer(current_game_deck,
6 )[ len(players) : 6 ])))
self.connection.privmsg(target, "trump card is {1}//{0}".format(turn_up))
The player who has the lowest trump card will be the first attacker (note that there is no obligation to
play that lowest trump card as the first card). The player to the attacker's left is always the defender.
After each round of attack play proceeds clockwise. If the attack succeeds (see below), the defender
loses their turn and the attack passes to the player on the defender's left. If the attack fails,
the defender becomes the next attacker.
In [63]: turn_up Out[64]: ('♠', '9', 9846)
next(enumerate(sorted(itertools.chain.from_iterable([[(x, suite, rank, rank_val
) for suite, rank, rank_val in hands.get(x) if suite == turn_up[0] ] for x in hands.keys()]
), key = lambda k: k[3])))
Out[65]: (0, ('deuce', '♠', '6', 9842))
for reference the hands in this game are:
{ 'deuce': [
('♡', 'A', 42995),
('♦', 'J', 13926),
('♠', 'J', 13924), <-- trump
('♡', '6', 9843),
('♧', 'A', 42999),
('♠', '6', 9842)], <-- trump (lowest)
'spigot': [
('♦', 'A', 42998),
('♡', 'J', 13925),
('♡', 'Q', 9833),
('♡', '7', 9829),
('♦', '10', 10102),
('♧', 'J', 13927)],
'rands': [
('♦', '8', 10094),
('♧', '8', 10095),
('♦', '7', 9830),
('♦', 'K', 26358),
('♧', 'K', 26359),
('♧', '6', 9847)] }
Cards are ranked 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A. A trump card of any rank beats all cards in the other three suits.
For example, a 6 of trumps beats an ace of any other suit.
The attacker opens their turn by playing a card face up on the table as an attacking card. The player to the
attacker's left is the defender. They respond to the attack with a defending card.
# Chess
## cracked out chess board
(lambda l: [y for y, _, _ in [(l[x], l[x].append(chr(ord(l[x][1]) + 6)), l[x].append(chr(ord(l[x][0]) + 6))) for x in l]])(dict(list(zip(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"], [[chr(0x2656), chr(0x2659)] + [None] * 4, [chr(0x2658), chr(0x2659)] + [None] * 4, [chr(0x2657), chr(0x2659)] + [None] * 4, [chr(0x2655), chr(0x2659)] + [None] * 4, [chr(0x2654), chr(0x2659)] + [None] * 4, [chr(0x2657), chr(0x2659)] + [None] * 4, [chr(0x2658), chr(0x2659)] + [None] * 4, [chr(0x2656), chr(0x2659)] + [None] * 4] ) ) ) )
# more notes
In [12]: test = JSON.loads(bots[0][0].grab("
...: &list=search&srsearch=wtf&format=json") )
I-search backward: test =
In [11]: next(enumerate(test.get("query").get("search")))
{'ns': 0,
'title': 'WTF',
'pageid': 423373,
'size': 2534,
'wordcount': 333,
'snippet': '<span class="searchmatch">WTF</span> usually refers to: &quot;What the fuck?&quot;, an expression of disbelief <span class="searchmatch">WTF</span> may also refer to: Work Time Fun, a video game for the PlayStation Portable WTF',
'timestamp': '2020-08-04T23:25:04Z'})
In [12]:
## executables notes
lambda target, event, instance: self.connection.privmsg(
and (_ for _ in ()
).throw(Exception("only property references allowed") )
or str(instance) ) ),
lambda target, event, instance: self.connection.privmsg(
and (_ for _ in ()
).throw(Exception("only property references allowed") )
or str(instance) ) ),