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# kv
`import "git.tcp.direct/tcp.direct/database/kv"`
## Documentation
#### type Key
type Key struct {}
Key represents a key in a key/value store.
#### func NewKey
func NewKey(data []byte) *Key
NewKey creates a new Key from a byte slice.
#### func (*Key) Bytes
func (k *Key) Bytes() []byte
Bytes returns the raw byte slice form of the Key.
#### func (*Key) Equal
func (k *Key) Equal(k2 *Key) bool
Equal determines if two keys are equal.
#### func (*Key) String
func (k *Key) String() string
String returns the string slice form of the Key.
#### type KeyValue
type KeyValue struct {
Key *Key
Value *Value
KeyValue represents a key and a value from a key/value store.
#### func NewKeyValue
func NewKeyValue(k *Key, v *Value) *KeyValue
NewKeyValue creates a new KeyValue from a key and value.
#### func (*KeyValue) Equal
func (kv *KeyValue) Equal(kv2 *KeyValue) bool
Equal determines if two key/value pairs are equal.
#### func (*KeyValue) String
func (kv *KeyValue) String() string
#### type Value
type Value struct {}
Value represents a value in a key/value store.
#### func NewValue
func NewValue(data []byte) *Value
NewValue creates a new Value from a byte slice.
#### func (*Value) Bytes
func (v *Value) Bytes() []byte
Bytes returns the raw byte slice form of the Value.
#### func (*Value) Equal
func (v *Value) Equal(v2 *Value) bool
Equal determines if two values are equal.
#### func (*Value) String
func (v *Value) String() string
String returns the string slice form of the Value.