2017-01-19 21:30:36 -07:00

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themer Travis

themer takes a set of colors and generates editor themes, terminal themes, and desktop/device wallpapers.

visual description

themer is inspired by trevordmiller/nova and chriskempson/base16.

Conceptually, themer is very similar to base16, but:

  1. It is lighter, and simpler to use.
  2. It is more easily extensible with your own color sets and templates.
  3. It integrates better with your personal repository of configuration files ("dotfiles") if desired.

Table of Contents


mkdir my-dotfiles && cd my-dotfiles
yarn add themer # or npm install --save themer

If you do not keep your dotfiles under version control, you can simply install themer globally with yarn global add themer (or npm -g install themer).


themer --colors <file OR npm module name> \
  --template <file OR npm module name> \
  [--template <file OR npm module name>...] \
  --out <directory>

themer can create themes from your custom color sets (see "Create your own color set" below) or from color sets published on npm (see themer-colors-default). The same is true for templates.

Example workflow

Say you wanted to generate a vim theme and desktop background using themer's default color set. First, install themer, the color set, and the templates:

cd my-dotfiles
yarn add themer themer-colors-default themer-vim themer-wallpaper-block-wave

Then edit your package.json:

"scripts: {
  "build": "themer -c themer-colors-default -t themer-vim -t themer-wallpaper-block-wave -o gen"

Then run your new script:

yarn build

Now check the gen/ folder for your generated themes. Here's the result:

example usage result

Themer color sets

Name Dark Preview Light Preview
themer-colors-default themer-colors-default dark preview themer-colors-default light preview
themer-colors-night-sky themer-colors-night-sky dark preview

Create your own color set

To create your own color set, create a JavaScript file that exports (CommonJS-style) a colors object, like so:

exports.colors = {
  dark: { // A color set can have both light and dark variants, but doesn't have to.

    accent0: '#FF4050', // accent0-7 should be the main accent colors of your theme.
    accent7: '#F553BF',

    shade0: '#282629', // shade0-7 should be shades of the same hue, with shade0 being the darkest and shade7 being the lightest.
    shade7: '#FFFCFF'

  light: { ... }, // same as above, except that shade0 should be the lightest and shade7 should be the darkest.

At this point, your JS file can be passed to the --colors argument of themer.

Refer to themer-colors-default for an example.

I would recommend checking your color set into your dotfiles repo. Once you've fine-tuned it, you might consider publishing it to npm for others to use! (If you do, consider naming your repo starting with themer-colors- so that others can easily find it.)

Themer templates




Create your own template

To create your own template, create a JavaScript file that exports (CommonJS-style) a render function, like so:

exports.render = function(colors, options) {

  // colors is an object that will have one or both keys: 'light' and
  // 'dark', each being an object with keys 'accent0' through 'accent7'
  // and 'shade0' through 'shade7'.

  // options is an object representing the original command-line args
  // passed to themer. This allows you to add special arguments that
  // will apply only to your template. An example of this is allowing
  // a themer user to specify custom resolutions for rending a wallpaper.

  // This function should return an array of Promises, each Promise
  // resolving to an object of the following structure:
  // {
  //   name: '<the name of the file to be written>',
  //   contents: <a Buffer of the contents of the file to be written>,
  // }


Your JS file can then be passed to a --template argument of themer. That's it!

Once you've developed your template, consider publishing it on npm (with repository name staring with themer-) so that others can use it!